Exercise Physiology & Nutrition
Physiological response to exercise, what about fasting ?
As strange as it could appear on first sight, physiological adaptation to exercice, is not so different to dietary fasting, in term of bio-chemical stress for the cell, as well as in term of mental attitude and strength! The Dr. Yoshinori Ohzumi, nobel prize of medicine, give a in-depth explanation of the benefits of fasting. My personal experience of voluntary fasting, changed significantly my initial vision of training and health and training. Human body is far better prepared to dietary fasting than we could naturally think. This is similar to exercise. The lack of exercise, on the same idea than the excess of consumed food, is more detrimental for health than the contrary. Most people are not all aware of that. Of course fasting, as such as exercise (and in particularly at high-intensity), is not recommended to all, and medical recommendation is always advised before thinking to start the one, or the other. Nevertheless when well monitored, intermittent dietary fasting as well as low intensity exercise, are excellent for improving your chances to remain in good health. |
Mon expérience dans la pratique du jeûne
Ma première experience de jeûne volontaire remonte au printemps 2017.
Depuis, je pratique le jeûne régulièrement pour le plaisir de garder la santé et me sentir comme un tigre en pleine forme.
Depuis, je pratique le jeûne régulièrement pour le plaisir de garder la santé et me sentir comme un tigre en pleine forme.
(a suivre...)
Pour vous informer d'avantage sur le sujet du jeûne :
- Radio Télévision Suisse: Emission RTS 36,9 (2019)
- Santé Romande: Santeromande.ch
- Professeur Yoshinori Ohsumi (Japon), Prix Nobel de médecine en 2016.
- Professeur Christian de Duve (Belgique), Prix Nobel de physiologie en 1974.
- Autres conférences concernant le jeûne régulier, sous suivi médical.
Le sport, et plus particulièrement de sport d'endurance, induit un stress métabolique qui, en quelque sorte et aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, peut sembler comparable à l'effet d'un jeûne intermittent sur les stratégies d'adaptation du corps pour l'accès aux ressources énergétiques. Le sport et l'exercise physique est par ailleurs considéré comme un excellent facteur de promotion de la santé publique. Est-ce que limiter l'accès aux ressources énergétiques est-il bon pour la santé? Est-ce que cette adaptation est par ailleurs bonne pour le moral à terme? Que dit la recherche médicale à ce sujet?
Le Lauréat du Prix Nobel de Médecine (2016)
What is Autophagy?
- The first person who discovered autophagy was Belgian biochemist Dr. Christian de Duve. For this discovery, he got the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1974.
- Surprisingly, studies show that they still have approximately the same amount of proteins and carbohydrates in their digestive system as they would if they ate animal protein.
- The body can use its own protein in the form of dead and damaged cells and bacteria which have been previously stored away.
- If your natural recycling mechanism doesn't work, damaged cells and their parts start to accumulate in the body. And it ends up unable to neutralize cancer cells and cells infected by dangerous viruses and bacteria. As a result, this can lead to various serious illnesses.
- Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi found out that autophagy gets more intensive when the body is undergoing some stress. Such stress can be fasting, calorie restriction, or even starvation.
- In all his studies, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi used starvation and fasting to encourage the body to break down toxic cells and get rid of all the garbage.
- Intermittent fasting, which is alternating the periods of eating and fasting, can help your body to clean itself. Besides, it can help you to lose weight and speed up your metabolism.
- If you're a newbie in the world of fasting and the practice looks a bit intimidating, start with skipping your meals. In general, it's enough to skip one meal a day to boost your metabolism and trigger cleansing processes in your body. Just remember that if you've skipped a meal, you shouldn't overeat at the next one.
- One more interesting conclusion you can draw from this research is that, despite what some people think, vegetarians don't suffer from a lack of animal protein. They just get it in a different way.
- Reference: bright side videos and articles: http://www.brightside.me/
La pratique du jeûne à travers les cultures et les époques
Mais en fait, le jeûne... pourquoi en parler ?
Pourquoi certaines personnes pratiquent un régime de jeûne sur une base volontaire ?
Est-ce vraiment utile ? Qu'est-ce qui motive leur décision ?
Voici quelques bases de réflexion que je vous propose d'écouter, parmi tant d'autres sur ce sujet passionnant.
Est-ce vraiment utile ? Qu'est-ce qui motive leur décision ?
Voici quelques bases de réflexion que je vous propose d'écouter, parmi tant d'autres sur ce sujet passionnant.